
Jul 16, 2013


Having three kids and two dogs makes it a little (actually ALOT) harder to travel anywhere.. Bobby took some time off from work so we decided to take the kids on a little vacation, here in town of course. We've learned over time not to tell the kids anything, in case something comes up. (seeing the disappointment in kids eyes is pretty hard to see)
 Our day started with getting the kids pictures done and then going to lunch. It was at lunch we told them our plans and they were very excited. I think Liam was just a little baby the last time we stayed at a hotel, so it was going to be a new experience for all of us.

Lennon's first time in pool

He likes to stick his face directly in the water

They loved the hot tub

Goofing around

Waking up (Lennon lost his pants)

Liam's isn't too good since he cried it hurt him, silly boy

I was surprised they didn't cry on the log ride

Dad and Trin went together since Liam was too scared

Liam wasn't tall enough to drive

Lennon did good

This was Liam's favorite ride, he rode it about 10 times

Snack time 

Trin did great and won her first stuffed animal (usually Dad wins them for her)


Lennon's first time bowling

They made a fort at the hotel

Dad won the big dog for Liam