February 10th he turned 3 years old
He is 3 ft 1 and a half inches
Weighs 32 pounds
Still has therapy to help with his feeding issues
Pediasure is his main source of nutrition
Potty trained only during the day, still working on night time
Loves to play with any type of car, right now he loves the movie Cars
Still wakes up multiple times a night (last night he woke up 11 times, ahhhhh)
He learned how to swim under water
Learned how to drive the Gator
This is what our pantry and fridge are filled with |
This is what the grocery basket looks like |
Lennon has his first birthday party at Chuck E Cheese, He had a great time minus seeing Chuck E Cheese.
Nick giving Lennon high five |
Trin concentrating very hard |
Liam was pretty excited he won the jackpot |
Josh and Brooklyn |
Nick and Trin shooting |
Uncle Shawn trying to distract him until Chuck E goes back in his hole |
Hes still not sure |
Serious faces |
Now silly faces |
Josh, Brooklyn, Lennon, Liam, Gregg, Trin & Nick |
Making a wish |
He was pretty proud of himself for blowing it out |
Yummy frosting |
3 goofy boys |
Eva and the fam |
Brooklyn and Lennon having a serious conversation |
Happy 3 year old |
Me and my baby boy |
He just spotted Chuck E out of his hole |
He thinks if he covers his ears Chuck E won't see him |
Uncle Shawn trying to cheer him up |
Brooklyn |
Looking at his card |
Present time |
Checking out his new bike |
Lennon with his NIna, Nino and Nick |
Tia and Tio with Lennon |
Tia and Tio with Liam |
Lennon with the Fishers, he was pretty much done at his point |
Trin posing with her pal |
At home with all his gifts |
Second Birthday at Home
We decided to have 2 parties for him since his birthday landed on a weekday and it wouldn't be as busy at Chuck E Cheese vs the weekend...
Checking out his new Paw Patrol, valentine candy and his favorite Doritos |
Papa helping him |
Trin is always crafting |
Some of my favorite people |
Uncle Brandon and Storm |
Uncle Robert |
Waiting patiently to blow out candle |
Proud he blew out another candle |
Playing some games |
Love these two sooo much |
Lennon with one of his favorite uncles |