
Aug 29, 2013

School Already?

Summer's over and school time is already here. Trinity is in 3rd grade and Liam is in Pre-K. They were both excited for school to start, but sad since Summer is already over. Me on the other hand, I'm happy either way. I love spending as much time as I can with them. (even though some days I feel like I need to run away)

Trin begged all Summer to cut her hair short, so we finally took her and I actually think it's pretty cute. 

Liam excited about all his new things

Dad and Sissy surprised Liam with his new sweater

It's HOT and he still insists on wearing it all the time

Trin's panties and Liam's underwear match

The weekend before school started we cleaned out old clothes and filled them with their new things.

Liam's shoes he picked this year

Superheros' and Minions are Liam's favorite right now

One Direction is Trin's new obsession

First Day of 3rd Grade

Hard to believe next year I'll be sending TWO off to school

Fake smiles

She was nervous

My big Pre-K boy

Trin tagged along for Liam's meet the teacher night

Liam was excited to see his school again

Even though it's the same school/teacher, Liam was checking out all the changes in his class

First Day of Pre-K

Lennon didn't understand why we left Liam


He was so happy to be back in school with his teacher and his friends

Lennon 18 Months

Lennon is 18 months old and is finally packing on the pounds. He still isn't eating "table food", but the Pedisure has helped bring his weight up and he is now in the 5th % (weight) 25% (height) on the growth chart.
23 pounds /  2 ' 7.5"

Shots are no fun

He loves water

Any kind of water

Ever since he could crawl he always messed in the puppies water

FIrst time to go for a ride and he stands up

He keeps his outside area nice and clean

Dad was left babysitting

Taking Dad a coffee to work

Hanging out in the backyard

Looks like he's crying, but he is laughing

Liam and Trin go UP the slide and now Lennon wants to copy them

He recently learned that he can climb up on furniture or anything for that matter

Guarding the door so no one can go inside

He didn't like walking barefoot 


July 25 the kids woke up to a special visit from our family elf, Elfie. Thankfully he didn't leave a mess for us since we were in the process of painting walls and getting caught up on major cleaning. He left a letter and some clues that lead to a little gift for all three kiddos. 

Lennon loving on him 

Bye Bye Elfie (Liam peeking on the bottom)

Giving kisses before packing him in his box and sending him back to the North Pole

Kane and Tootsie

Having Tootsie and Kane is like having two more kids to add to the chaos. Kane has adjusted really well to having her around. He is more active and his hair is getting thicker (they adjusted his thyroid meds).
 Tootsie is still a baby pup even though she is HUGE compare to Kane. She is almost 5 months old and weighs 3.8 pounds, but that was last month so I'm sure she's gained more weight. Kane is 3.2 pounds. 
Since Tootsie is just a pup, the kiddos have realized how great of a dog Kane is and fight to sleep with him. 
Every evening we all go for a walk so Tootsie can burn off some energy. Kane sits in the stroller since he's old and never learned how to walk on a leash. 
Now that the kids are in school, I am able to work with Tootsie on basic commands, fetch and most importantly; not to chew on anything or anyone. So far she's understanding as long as no one (kids especially) plays too rough with her. We've still got a long way to go, but we are slowing making progress....

Dad playing with Liam

Tootsie always wants in on the action

Lennon and Tootsie are funny together

Trin working with Tootsie

Good girl! Tootsie can sit and shake so far.

Sweet little Kane

This is how Trin and Kane usually sleep; one eye shut, one eye open.
 You never know what Tootsie will do.

This makes me laugh since the kids are scared of Tootsie sometimes

Kane looks like Yoda

Lennon always says "nice, nice" Tootsie

She goes everywhere with us

She can sleep just about anywhere

Trin passing out treats

She is long

Dogs waiting patiently (well kind of)

Liam loves that Sissy is at school because he has more time with her

Tootsie loves ears (the little red line on his ear)

Great example why I TRY to tell them not to play rough with her
(she had his ear and he pulled away)

They sleep about 5 hours a day