We have been on quite a journey with our Little Lennon. He is still waking 8 to 10 times a night needing to be burped, not eating food, having sensory issues, puking constantly and Dr's not knowing what in the world is wrong with him, has been very frustrating. At this point Pedisure is still his main source of nutrition. He has weekly therapy sessions twice a week with 3 different therapists. Since August he has had 2 endoscopy's, biopsy's, allergy testing and a 24 hour pH impedance probe. We are thankful his weight has been on the charts and that is the only thing keeping a g tube out of his tiny belly.
The first week in November we headed to Denver Children's Hospital for an entire week of testing. Our hope was that when we returned home he would be able to start eating real food. Unfortunately our hopes were set too high and we are back to square one not knowing what is going on with his tiny body.
Dad and Lennon playing games |
He's so tiny to be going through so much |
He was pretty impressed with his new game |
Please Dad hold me |
Time for vitals |
His little pony he named George |
First endoscopy finished |
Such a great Papa |
Anesthesia lasted most of the day |
Off to Denver
Ready for the long road trip |
About 3 hours into the trip |
Finally made it to the hotel |
We had lots of surprises for him |
He loves his new toys |
Just hanging out watching football with Dad |
Day 1 checking in |
His trains went everywhere with us |
Day 2 |
Because of the Ebola scare, we all had to be questioned whether we have traveled out of country, and if not then we got a sticker |
Allergy testing was not very fun |
He was such a trooper |
Too many appointments wore him out |
Watching Paw Patrol back at the hotel |
Day 3 |
Playing with his trains |
Little bit of booty dancing |
He is such a character |
One more time before heading for his second endoscopy |
Woke up with pH impedance probe |
Dad showing him the little black box |
As soon as we got in the car he fell asleep |
He did great with it in his nose |
Every time he took a drink, burped sneezed or coughed we had to push certain buttons |
Enough pictures already |
Finally resting and watching TV with Dad |
Denver Children's Hospital |
Waiting to get that thing out of his nose |
He did so great |
Time for some Fun
Since he loves trains so much we found a train museum in Golden CO. We just knew he would love it. We started out inside the museum and he did great, the moment we stepped outside he let out a very loud scream. He has sensory issues and we didn't think it through, anything that is loud or pretty much bigger than him he can't handle and goes into total panic mode. We still tried to get a few pictures.....
Inside the museum |
Wouldn't let go of Daddy |
It's sad how much we take for granted, when something as little as seeing trains is so scary |
Still holding on tight |
The trains inside the museum were much more fun |
Hanging out at Chuck E Cheese |
Playing games |
Just his size |
He loved this phone |
Watching Willy Wonka |
Each day he got a new train, by the end of the week he had quite a few |
Such an amazing doctor |
Having a conversation with his favorite doc |
Ms Jaime |
Sensory play |
Ms Dee Dee |
Food play |
Making cheese rocks so the cars can run them over |
Getting food to the mouth even though he won't eat it, is huge progress |
Feeding therapy |