
Nov 29, 2014


December was a busy month. Liam's birthday, Liam's Christmas Program at Preschool and of course Christmas. 

Merry Christmas 2013 from Kane and Tootsie

Checking out new toys

Waiting to open presents

Liam opening presents

Trin and Nana having a blast

Yes mom ?

Bubba showing Lennon what it is

Showing us his new shirt

Papa showing him how to open presents

He loves his Papa

The best kids sewing machine ever

Tootsie loved the dusting of snow

Waiting for it to start

Looking for us

He was a bit embarrassed 

He had fun

There he is

Still nervous

Not sure what they were doing

Lennon telling Bubba "Good job"

Liam smiling, Lennon taking off

Won't be long before it's Lennon's turn

Peek A Boo

Having some treats after a great performance 

Liam's class

Some crazy long hair


Brotherly love

Love this kid 

Such a handsome boy

These 2 are day and night

The best gifts under the tree

Christmas Eve

No more pictures please, time to open

Just got out of bed

Patiently waiting to try out his new train

He finally figured out how to open them

More presents

She loves her crafts

Trying on her new hat

Checking out his pjs

Checking out all the cool new toys

Enjoying their new cozy blankey 

All in all it was a great year.......  

Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014