
Dec 11, 2013

Random Pics

        Trinity- 8 years old      3rd Grade                     Liam- 4 years old     Preschool

Lennon loves playing cars

Crazy hair

Playing legos

Not sure why Bobby is proud of this picture

We've tried 5 times to get his hair cut, and each time he threw a major fit

Lennon decided to stop and visit Sissy before getting dressed

These two have a blast at bath time 

His hair will look like this if he don't get a haircut soon

Learning to eat yogurt

Thankfully he likes it

We tried oatmeal and he puked

Big belly

This is the "I'm up to no good look"

First snow of the Winter

Lennon's first time to play in the snow

He had fun

Snowball fight

There wasn't much snow but they had a great time

Lennon and Josh

Lennon and Brooklyn


Big eyes

Josh got some road rash earlier that day

Sweet Brooklyn

Captain America (Josh) & Iron Man (Liam)

Not easy getting 5 kids to look at the camera

The girls

Trin's pretty lucky to have these boys in her life, they love her so much