Liam had his first of many school Christmas Programs. I was really impressed how well he did, considering how shy he gets when he is at school. The song they had to learn was a couple of lines in Away In A Manger (same song Trinity had to learn when she was in Preschool) Every night she would take him to her room so they could practice the song, most nights they would end up in a fight because he wasn't too interested in it. Her exact words "FINE then you can be the only one at the program who doesn't know the song"!
His exact words"NO I won't because Donovan (his classmate) won't either",
Trin: How do you know that LIAM?
Liam: Because he told me TRINITY!!! (She gets so mad when he don't call her Sissy)
Walking in
Trinity at her program in 2009
Not sure if this is a yawn or really good singing
Lennon's new "Popeye" face
Liam and Lennon (almost 11 months old) |
Trinity and Liam (a few weeks old) 2008 |