
Dec 10, 2015

Holidays 2015


This year for Halloween, Mimi, Nana, Papa, Uncle Robert and Rocky came trick or treating with us.
We all had a great time....

We are not sure why Lennon decided to be a banana 
Dad helping Lennon cut out of some Halloween cookies
Trin taking her time making her cookies
Shawn helping Brooklyn carve her pumpkin, but she would rather watch TV
Trin being silly deciding what to carve
Bobby helping Josh
Two great Dads carving pumpkins for their kiddos 
Liam would rather carve than get messy 

Trin carving her big  pumpkin
Dad helping Lennon
Trin and her friends 
Going through all their candy

Ninja Turtle

Teenager Turtle with her banana 

Neighborhood kiddos

These 2 are best buds

Lennon and his 2 best buds

Gregg and Liam playing Pie Face

Kinda hard to see  but these are the kids pumpkins
Family Pic

Liam, Trin, Uncle Rob & Lennon

Lennon and Dad making cookies

Trin and her BFF

Finished product

All the Fisher kiddos pumpkins

Being silly
We had Thanksgiving at our house this year. Nana, Papa & Shawn came over and we had a great time. About 4:30 Bobby and I started our Back Friday shopping. This was the first time I have gone since we never have someone to watch our kiddos, thankfully Nana and Papa were able to take care of them. As usual I forgot to get very many pics....

Letter's to Santa

This year all the Fisher kiddos wrote letters to Santa. The girls made cookies while the boys played. It turned into a late night of playing so Shawn and his little kiddos stayed the night. It was such a great night, 

Trin 10, Liam 6, Brooklyn 3 Lennon 3 & 4 Josh

 Christmas Time 

Time to put up the tree
Liam helping too
Lennon helping Dad fix the tree

Tin and her cuddle bug
Playing  with bags and boxes, not sure they need any toys

They would rather play with the box
Trin helping Dad put the star up.
Lennon is hanging ornaments all on the same branch
He's pretty proud that he gets to help hang ornaments this year

Trin is always helping out
Wrapping a few presents
This proves he is my fourth child
An early birthday present

Helping Dad make Nana's special cookies