
Dec 5, 2015

Hospital Stays for Lennon

Lennon still does not eat!!! He has had multiple scopes/hospital stays, just this year. We are still working with a feeding therapist, but it hasn't helped. We finally found a Dr that was willing to remove his tonsils. It's only been a few weeks and we are crossing our fingers that this is the reason why he can't eat....  It's been a very long road for this little guy and he is only 3. I could have never imagined how had it would be to eat.

Sleep Study

His own big bed
Getting wired up

30 wires on his little body
He did so good and didn't pull a single one off
Not very happy

Getting Tonsils Out 

Patiently waiting

Dad showing him his new toy for being a big boy and not crying
He named his new teddy, Hands
Just a little sleepy from the meds
After surgery, he wasn't too happy
He enjoyed his visitors
They all love their Papa
Follow up went great
Surgery on his teeth

Lennon doesn't eat and his main source of nutrition is still Pediasure. Because of the sugar in pediasure and constant throwing up it has weakened the enamel on his teeth. Instead of having work done at the Dental office they went ahead and scheduled him to have the procedure done at the hospital under sedation. He did really good but was pretty sore for the first 2 days. The dentist did an amazing job...