
Nov 30, 2014

Visiting Grandma Delia, Granny & Family

It's been a while since we went down to Ft. Sumner to see the family. It's always a task to load up the kids, pups and pack, but it was time to see Granny and Grandma Delia and the rest of the family. We had a blast as usual, and it's always hard to say our goodbyes, but we will definitely go see them again before the New Year.

Uncle Brandon reading to Lennon and Mimi

Liam showing off his muscles

Liam and Lennon standing next to Uncle Lorenzo's bottle tree

Trin and Granny

Liam talking to Granny

Now Lennon's turn to chat with Granny

Trin apparently was the photographer 

She does a good job taking pics

LOVE this one of Grandma Delia

Both grandmas together 

Uncle Lorenzo 

Ian and Liam

He is just so handsome

Uncle Rob playing with the boys

Ian and Trevor making sure Trin didn't fall

No luck getting anyone to look at the camera

The girls

The girls and D

The boys

Granny with Great grandkids

Looking good Granny

Me and Bran with Granny

Liam and Trevor on Pampos bike

Pampo would be so proud

Love all these kids so much

Grandma Delia with her great grandkids