
Nov 18, 2012

Trinity's 8th Birthday


Well these past 8 years flew right by us. It's so weird that when your a child, time seems to drag on, and when you become a parent you wish time would stand still.. Since we know that isn't possible, we try not to rush things and just enjoy the simple things in life.

Tuesday November 6 (no school/election day) 
Breakfast time
Dollar store play dough is hit and miss
Thankfully this was a hit
Birthday dinner @ Red Robin with Tia and Tio (not the best  picture)
Exhausted from decorating 
This was the best cake I have ever eaten
Craft table
Aurora, Trin, Sakeena, Sara and Britney Ann

She was embarrassed when they sang Happy Birthday
Lennon had fun
Present Time

Sand Art
Everyone enjoyed the crafts