2nd grade has been the best year Trinity has had in school so far. Her teacher is a fun, awesome teacher. I can remember last year she was ready for school to be over and didn't even go the last day. This year is a whole different story, she is very sad summer is already here. She's learned a lot of new things, made new friends and we only had 1 issue with her girlfriends. (little girl drama makes me laugh)
If you really know us then you know we always run late no matter what. So we didn't volunteer to chaperon this field trip. (we were only 30 minutes late) Anyways, Trin's friends grandma was her chaperon and when Trin saw us she completely ignored us (or pretended like she didn't see us), so we did our own thing and went at our own pace. When we were finished we went out with the class to the park and had lunch with them, and what do you know "someone" noticed us cause she needed money for the ice cream truck. She's pretty lucky we love her so much.
Bobby has more fun than most of the kids |
Both have their serious faces |
Trinity with her friend Mariah |
Lennon had a great time |
Taking a rest in the elevator |
This is when we asked why she ignored us. She was confused |
Lunch time |
Lennon's first time swinging |
He had all the girls catering to him |
Aurora, Trin, Nevaeh & Mariah (all 2nd graders) |
Bbq for Parents
The second grade team always has a bbq at the end of the year for parents to come and enjoy a burger with the kids. We (actually Bobby) volunteered to do face painting since no one else was willing to do it. We got there a little before 10 (we were supposed to be there at 9:30) and didn't finish until 3:00. There are over 100 second graders so thankfully I took the Shimmer Art Tattoo (totally worth the money) and started helping Bobby. Liam kept busy with the jumpers, running around and playing basketball. Lennon pretty much stayed in his car seat the entire 5 hours and only had about 3 meltdowns. Needless to say it was a long day, but we had a great time! We were so busy we didn't get a chance to take very many pictures.