We decided that we would try and see if Liam was ready to wear "big boy underwear" because the diapers he wears (Pampers Cruisers size 7) can only be found at Toys R Us for $50.00/100 diapers. When we were there Bobby saw a box of Pull Up Cars for $25.00/70, they came with a DVD educational learning how to potty movie and a Cars potty watch. We got home and put the watch on him and set it to remind us every fifteen minutes, every time it would sing and vibrate he would run to the potty. Finally on June 21st after many attempts he finally went potty. We were so excited we started screaming and all he did was cover his ears with his hands. Right now he wears pull ups at night and when we go out, other than that he wears his underwear ( Batman and Cars)