
Jul 28, 2010

Liam's Hurt Finger

Liam's little pointer finger is finally doing a little better.

Ian's Brirthday

Trevor bowling

Jul 26, 2010

It was so hard to get Liam to sit still. Ian was so calm and do whatever we told him.

Liam and Ian are working on the car together

All the kids playing outside at Mimi's house

Jul 21, 2010

Liam having his snack with all the kids
All the kids sitting down to eat lunch.
This is Trinity's build a bear reward for reading her first book

Jul 9, 2010

Chick Fil A

Today was dress like a cow day at Chick Fil A and receive a free meal, so we all dressed like cows. It was alot of fun dressing up.

Chuck E Cheese

We went to Chuck E Cheese this Friday and the kids had so much fun. We went early when it had barely opened and no one was there so the kids pretty much had the place to themselves. This was Liam's 1st time to run loose and play all the games, he thought it was the best thing in the world.

Jul 6, 2010